

Playing and doing are the jobs of young children. Learning is most effective when they are totally involved in the process. This includes exploring, experimenting, manipulating, inventing, problem solving, role playing, and having fun!

Skills are introduced, taught, and reinforced with concrete materials. Our preschool's curriculum is aligned with the early learning content standards of the Ohio Department of Education as prescribed in the following academic content standards.

Samples of Horizons Curriculum from Each Standard

Language Arts - visual and auditory discrimination, phonemic awareness, letter identification , name recognition, comprehension of written text, following directions, self expression and recall

Mathematics - counting, 1 to 1 correspondence, sets, measurement, sorting, ordering, problem solving, graphing, understanding positional words

Social Studies - following classroom routine and rules, working and belonging in a group, taking turns, sharing personal history, community helpers, make predictions, engage in cooperative behavior

Science - observe, explore, and compare in earth, life, and physical science, investigate music, voice, sound, and colors, sort by different attributes, ask questions and predict actions

Class Schedule

Class Time Days
3's 9:11am - 11:45am Tue, Wed, Thu
3's 12:30pm - 3:00pm Tue, Wed, Thu
4's 9:10am - 11:40am Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
4's 12:30pm - 3:00pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu
5's 12:30pm - 3:00pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri

Serving The Brecksville and Broadview Heights Communities Since 1969